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Home / Pet Goodies / Cat Toy, Teaser Wand, Koi - 15"

Cat Toy, Teaser Wand, Koi - 15"

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Does koi fish cat teaser is sure to quickly become a favorite go-to for pet owners and their fun-loving cats.

Includes wood wand with plush koi fish toy, long ribbon tassels and colorful feathers. This pet toy is perfect for cats and kittens of any age or size. Cat parents will love The hours of playtime this adorable cat toy is sure to provide. This plush, ribbon and feather toy is the perfect cat gift, new kitten gift, pet adoption gift, or cat owner gift for any occasion!

Wand: 15" L, including plush koi
Plush: 4 W" x 2.7" H
Ribbons: 12" L